easy fish cake recipe
Lunch / Supper

3-Step Fish Cakes

This super easy recipe is one of my new favourites when it comes to whipping up a healthy protein-packed meal for the family in a matter of minutes. It's also one of those recipes to keep up your sleeve when you find yourself rummaging through a near empty fridge or pantry! These fish cakes are gluten-free… Continue reading 3-Step Fish Cakes

carrot hummus recipe, healthy snack idea

Carrot Hummus

My son, in typical toddler fashion, isn't big on trying many new things in his diet these days. One thing he loves however is to dip just about anything: from pieces of meat, chicken and cheese to carrot batons (we are working on the cucumber and tomatoes but I'll take what I can get at… Continue reading Carrot Hummus

Lunch / Supper

Sticky Chicken

A dish that you will find in most Jewish households on a Friday night is Sticky Chicken and it's no wonder that it is a family favourite - its delicious, sticky and super sweet. The problem is that it is loaded with sugar and all the additives found in most ready-made sauces (probably one of… Continue reading Sticky Chicken

Sweet Treats

Date & Coconut Squares

I’m constantly looking for healthy treats to serve up at play dates, as an energy boosting snack or something for little fingers to hold on-the-go. Most importantly, I want ideas that are easy to make and won’t have me slaving away in the kitchen for hours. What I love about this recipe is that it… Continue reading Date & Coconut Squares

healthy banana bread recipe
Sweet Treats

Gluten-Free Banana Bread

At the age of two and a half - like most toddlers - my son knows what he wants and isn't afraid to tell me all about it. He flat out refuses to eat most things green and would rather avoid trying anything new unless it is coated in something sweet. I witness so many… Continue reading Gluten-Free Banana Bread

Lunch / Supper, Recipes

Crumbed Chicken Strips

Since my son could run around I have been planning my outings based on whether or not a restaurant has a kiddies' menu and a play area - something I didn't quite grasp before I had a child of my own. Like most parents, I find it frustrating that the kiddies' meal choices at most… Continue reading Crumbed Chicken Strips


Homemade Tomato Sauce

There is no getting away from it: kids love tomato sauce. I never thought that I would be the parent who would turn to tomato sauce to get her child excited about a meal. I honestly thought I could keep my son away from the stuff until school-going age (OK, maybe that's an exaggeration but… Continue reading Homemade Tomato Sauce

Lunch / Supper

Beef & Veg Lasagne

If your child is averse to munching on veggies at the best of times, and you are finding it increasingly difficult to get them into his or her little tummy, you aren't alone. I played around with a family favourite -  lasagne - to find a lip-smacking way to sneak in the veg and cram… Continue reading Beef & Veg Lasagne

Lunch / Supper

Mushroom & Coconut Chicken

Food for thought: mushrooms are have been hailed as a superfood due to the impressive punch of nutrients found in each serving. By including mushrooms in your child's diet, you are adding in a significant amount of B vitamins, fibre and, most importantly, selenium. Selenium is one of the most powerful antioxidants that is required… Continue reading Mushroom & Coconut Chicken


Creamy Veggie Mash

I know I'm not only the only mommy out there who gets a hard time from my child when it comes to getting veggies into his mouth. He has become a master at tossing the steamed pieces of carrot and broccoli onto the floor  - that I have lovingly placed on his plate - for… Continue reading Creamy Veggie Mash